Sinem Altuncu
Sinem Altuncu completed her undergraduate degree in Statistics at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University in 1997 and her MBA program in Banking at Marmara University in 2005. She is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in the field of Management Information Technology at Kadir Has University.
Sinem Altuncu began her career as a Marketing Assistant Manager at Interbank in 1997 and later joined Dışbank A.Ş. in 2001 as a Corporate Banking Manager. She also served as a Branch Manager at Citibank from 2002 to 2008.
Between 2010 and 2017, she simultaneously held the positions of CFO and Investment Projects Director at Cardtech for approximately 8 years. Since 2017, she has been the Head of Grants & Incentives at the company, now known as PayCore, following the M&A, and simultaneously was appointed as the Chairman of the European Union Eurogia 2020 Energy Committee, which she still continues to do.
Sinem Altuncu serves as the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at GTech, where she oversees the management processes of both the Financial Affairs Directorate and the R&D Directorate.