Divan, Cubeview HR
(Human Resources Budget Planning) Project

Divan, manages Human Resources Budget Planning with
accurate data on a single platform with Cubeview HR.

Divan, Cubeview HR <br>(Human Resources Budget Planning) Project
Divan, Cubeview HR <br>(Human Resources Budget Planning) Project

The Project:

  • Expenses were calculated for the employees working in different business areas within the Divan.
  • Payrolls were prepared in accordance with Turkish legislation.
  • The planning of employee movement and expenses was provided in accordance with the changing conditions.
  • The resulting number of employee and their costs were printed out in the desired reporting details and a comparison was made.
  • Integration with the main planning application was provided and reports such as budget and actual were received.
  • The movements of existing and new employees during the budget year were managed with user interfaces, and the reports were detailed in different breakdowns according to needs.


  • Access to accurate data by systematically keeping employee information of current personnel on a central system.
  • Easy management with a parametric entry of new employee information into the system if needed.
  • Obtaining SSI and other liabilities calculated according to the legal legislation quickly through the system.
  • Parametric calculation of items such as additional income and other funds/private health insurance within Koç Holding.
  • Quickly obtaining individual wage determination screens with the share of individual salaries in total costs through Cubeview HR.
  • Easy integration of calculated employee costs into the main budget application with a single rule.
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