What is Database Management?

What is Database Management?
26 Nov 2020

Before giving information about the database management system, it will be useful to explain what the database means. A database is a collection of data that has a relationship and a certain order among themselves. Information of students in schools, hospitals information about patients and information about the customers of the stores are a database. If databases are used correctly, they have the effect of providing important information for businesses and organizations, ensuring that correct decisions are made. As GTech, in this article, we will try to explain database management systems and the benefits they provide to businesses.

Database Management Systems

The software used to create a new database, organize, manage, develop, use for specific purposes and maintain these databases is called a database management system.

Areas Where Database Management Systems Are Used

Database management systems, which can be used in all areas where data can be stored and analyzed, are frequently encountered in the following sectors;

Banks: All transactions and movements of customers; They keep it in the database for marketing, sales, customer satisfaction and security purposes and use it when necessary.

• Schools: All schools, especially universities, keep students’ grades, absenteeism and similar data in their database.

• Manufacturers and sellers: They keep the information of customers, products, sales and purchases in their databases.

• Human Resources: They keep many information about personnel such as salary, tax, leave days in their database.

Classification of Database Management Systems

Databases are divided into different types according to the types of data storage and access to these data.

• Hierarchical Database: It is the oldest database model and stores information in a tree structure.

Network Database: The network database, which emerged with the inadequacy of the hierarchical database model over time, has a very complex structure. It develops detailed results by establishing links between multiple tree structures.

• Relational Database: The relational database model developed in the 1970s was inspired by the Relationship Theory in mathematics. In this model, data are kept in tables. The rows in the table indicate the information, the columns the information fields.

• Object Oriented Database: It is a database written in an object oriented language and still usable in an object oriented language.

Popular Database Management Systems

Today, although there are many database management systems in the world, some of them are preferred by many companies. Prominent database management systems are;

  • Oracle Database
  • SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise
  • Microsoft Access
  • IBM DB / 2
  • Informix
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Microsoft Visual FoxPro
  • PostgreSQL
  • Teradata
  • CSQL
  • MySQL
  • OpenLink Virtuoso

GTech’s expert System and Database Management team develops and implements database solutions suitable for the needs of its customers with many Oracle products. For more detailed information about GTech’s products and services, please contact us.