What Is Business Intelligence?

Business intelligence is the name given to methods and processes that make meaningful by processing large amounts of data and help businesses develop new projects in areas such as marketing, production or sales. As GTech, we have touched on the issues about business intelligence in this article.
In Which Sectors Is Business Intelligence Used?
Business intelligence can be used easily and beneficially in any sector where data can be accessed. Today, business intelligence is frequently and efficiently used in areas such as banking, insurance, telecommunications, retail and public services; It is used as an important resource in the decision stages of companies.
What are the Components of Business Intelligence?
Business intelligence has 5 basic components;
- Data collection and storage
- Creating a data warehouse
- Creating a data model
- Data analysis
- Making decisions based on analysis results
Is Business Intelligence Necessary?
Nowadays, the entire world has become one market, and a development occurring in one place is affecting the rest of the world very quickly. This situation has also changed the conditions and opportunities of competition, and has brought companies into competition on a global scale. It is now known by all companies that information is much more valuable, and can be processed much faster than in the past, and efforts are made to make the most of this situation. Business intelligence comes into play at this point; It enables the processing and analysis of the obtained big data and facilitates the decision-making of companies. Correctly designed business intelligence applications provide significant benefits in determining the targets of enterprises, in making risk assessments and in reducing their costs.
Business Intelligence Decision Support Systems
There are 3 different decision types in companies: structured, semi-structured and unstructured. Among these, the decisions defined as structured are those used especially for operational activities and the method to be followed is determined in advance. Semi-structured decisions are more flexible and open to change than structured decisions. Unstructured decisions are usually strategic-level decisions and it is not always possible to make such decisions in advance and to determine the path to follow.
Business intelligence decision support systems are used in semi-structured or unstructured decision-making processes. Business intelligence decision support systems; It facilitates decision-making by using databases, analytical models, decision maker’s opinions and computer-based modeling processes. Customizable business intelligence decision support systems can also provide the ability to analyze the decision maker’s previous decisions and act in accordance with these decisions.
GTech enables you to make strategic decisions by analyzing your company data. Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence provides end-to-end service in the implementation of solutions and data-oriented modern business intelligence decision support systems.
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