IBB, DWH Expansion
and Database Support Project

Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IBB), added new modules to the existing data warehouse,
with GTech expertise, providing more units to access accurate data from a single point.

IBB, DWH Expansion <br>and Database Support Project
IBB, DWH Expansion <br>and Database Support Project

The project:

  • Within the scope of IBB SEDEP (Social and Economic Support Program) Data Warehouse Expansion and Database Support, GTech Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence, and Database and System Management teams started working at the beginning of 2021.
  • Within the scope of the project, reports were completed in line with the business needs of the directorates subject to the project, especially Social Services, Municipal Police, Cemetery, Accounting, HR, Personnel Attendance Control System, Waste Management, Infrastructure Information System, Disinfestation, Internet Service, Public Transportation, Document Archive and Organizational Correspondence System (Daysis), Regional Employment Office.
  • By adding new modules to the existing data warehouse, more units were provided to have access to data.


  • Access to single and accurate data through a common platform (Single Point of Truth).
  • Providing a flexible structure with a performance by addressing the reporting needs proceeding in different data warehouses or operational systems to the IBB data warehouse platform.
  • Report Libraries were created and support was provided to +50 databases in different technologies.
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